
2022-03-10 08:28:53 By : Admin

Xometry (NASDAQ: XMTR), the global marketplace for on-demand manufacturing, announces the acquisition of Thomas ico-arrow-default-right

Intended for food processing industry, MasoSine Certa™ Pump meets highest sanitary standards including 3A and EHEDG Type EL Class I. Unit handles up to 8 million cPs with low shear and zero pulsation. In addition, pump is fully drainable, CIPable, and requires up to 50% less power than other pumps with viscous fluids.

The brand new Certa™ line from MasoSine is the cleanest Sine pump ever. It sets a new standard for pumps in the food processing industry. Certa™ pumps meet the highest sanitary standards including 3A and EHEDG Type EL Class I. Certa™ is extremely easy to clean and fully drainable and CIPable. See the videos and visit our catalog in the link to find out more about this innovative new pump from Watson Marlow! CERTA™ is one of only two pumps which meets EHEDGE ASEPTIC certification, and it costs less than the competition! Find out more! Features & Benefits of Certa™ Sine Pumps: • Handles up to 8 Million cPs • Requires up to 50% Less Power than Other Pumps with Viscous Fluids • Low Shear and Zero Pulsation • More! Visit Our Catalog to Learn More, View Brochures and Datasheets

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