NJPW Strong Results 10/15/22

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NJPW Strong Results 10/15/22 Sam’s Town Live Las Vegas, Nevada Kids Folding Table

NJPW Strong Results 10/15/22

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Commentators: (Ian Riccaboni & Alex Kozlov)

First Match: DOC Gallows vs. Che Cabrera 

Clark Connors joins the commentary team for this match. Gallows talks smack to Cabrera after the bell rings. Cabrera with three knife edge chops. Gallows uppercuts Cabrera. Gallows with a series of overhand chops. Gallows sends Cabrera to the corner. Gallows with a running elbow smash. Gallows with heavy bodyshots. Gallows uppercuts Cabrera. Gallows with a Snap Vertical Suplex. Gallows clotheslines Cabrera over the top rope. Gallows slams Cabrera’s head on the steel barricade. Gallows whips Cabrera into the barricade. Gallows with a straight right hand. Gallows rolls Cabrera back into the ring. Cabrera slams Gallows head on the top rope. Cabrera repeatedly stomps on Gallows chest. Cabrera puts his knee on the back of Gallows neck. Cabrera with clubbing shoulder blocks. Gallows reverses out of the irish whip from Cabrera. Cabrera kicks Gallows in the face. Cabrera with a Running Lariat for a one count. Cabrera applies the greco roman throat hold.

Gallows and Cabrera are trading back and forth shots. Cabrera with a forearm smash. Cabrera slams Gallows head on the ring apron. Cabrera with a blistering chop. Cabrera rolls Gallows back into the ring. Cabrera goes into the lateral press for a two count. Cabrera with a Seated Senton. Cabrera applies The Camel Clutch. Cabrera transitions into a rear chin lock. Gallows with heavy bodyshots. Gallows with another uppercut. Gallows decks Cabrera with a back elbow smash. Gallows kicks Cabrera in the face. Gallows with three clotheslines. Galllows with a Roundhouse Kick. Gallows follows that with a Running Hip Attack. Gallows with a diving shoulder tackle. Gallows connects with The Gallows Pole for a two count. Gallows goes for The ChokeSlam, but Cabrera lands back on his feet. Cabrera hits The Death Valley Driver for a two count. Gallows SuperKicks Cabrera. Gallows plants Cabrera with The Draping Magic Killer to pickup the victory.

Winner: DOC Gallows via Pinfall 

Second Match: Aussie Open (c) vs. Team Filthy (Danny Limelight & JR Kratos) For The NJPW Strong Tag Team Championship 

Kyle Fletcher and Danny Limelight will start things off. Limelight shoves Fletcher. Limelight pie faces Fletcher. Limelight runs into Fletcher. Fletcher gives Limelight a standing ovation. Limelight drives his knee into the midsection of Fletcher. Fletcher drops Limelight with a shoulder tackle. Fletcher flexes his muscles. Fletcher tags in Davis. Double Irish Whip. Limelight shoves Fletcher towards Davis. Limelight tags in Kratos. Pie Face Exchange. Shoulder Block Exchange. Forearm Exchange. Kratos dodges the polish hammer. Kratos with a Rising Knee Strike. Kratos with a Running Lariat. Limelight knocks Fletcher off the ring apron. Team Filthy Pose. Following a snap mare takeover, Kratos is raining down forearms. Kratos tags in Limelight. Limelight with a SpringBoard Side Kick. Limelight with a Running Senton Splash for a one count. Limelight toys around with Davis. Limelight with two forearm shivers. Limelight thrust kicks the midsection of Davis. Davis with a Back Body Drop. Fletcher and Kratos are tagged in.

Kratos Powerslams Fletcher. Kratos with a Deadlift Vertical Suplex for a two count. Kratos tags in Limelight. Limelight with a Rising Knee Strike. Kratos with The Big Boot. Assisted Double Foot Stomp for a two count. Limelight with a forearm smash. Limelight buries his shoulder into the midsection of Fletcher. Limelight with a diving corner clothesline. Limelight with The Slingshot Senton for a two count. Limelight pulls Fletcher down to the mat. Fletcher with forearm shivers. Limelight kicks Fletcher in the gut. Fletcher decks Kratos with a back elbow smash. Fletcher dives over Limelight. Fletcher tags in Davis. Davis with a Chop/Corner Clothesline Combination. Kratos kicks Davis in the gut. Davis cartwheels out of the double irish whip from Team Filthy.

Davis clotheslines Limelight. Davis with a short-arm lariat. Second Forearm Exchange. Kratos with a palm strike. Davis answers with a back elbow smash. Kratos with a running forearm smash. Davis blocks a boot from Kratos. Kratos fights out of the fireman’s carry position. Kratos with a Release German Suplex. Davis with a Turnbuckle Flatline. Davis follows that with a Sliding Forearm. Davis tags in Fletcher. Limelight made the blind tag. Meeting Of The Minds. Kratos with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Limelight drills Fletcher with The SpringBoard Canadian Destroyer. Kratos with a Flying Cannonball Strike off the apron. Limelight connects with The Frog Splash for a two count. Fletcher shoves Limelight into Kratos. Fletcher rolls Limelight over for a two count. Fletcher with The Spinning Tombstone PileDriver. Fletcher ducks a clothesline from Kratos. Assisted Mid-Kick. Assisted Flying Cutter. Fletcher tags in Davis. Aussie Open with forearm shivers. Aussie Open plants Limelight with The Corealis to pickup the victory.

Winner: Still NJPW Strong Tag Team Champions, Aussie Open via Pinfall 

– There was a cleaning/disinfecting intermission during this broadcast.

Third Match: Fred Rosser (c) vs. Chris Dickinson For The NJPW Strong Openweight Championship 

Rosser attacks Dickinson before the bell rings. Rosser with a chop/corner clothesline combination. The referee is trying to calm down Rosser. Dickinson scores the ankle pick. Dickinson with a Deadlift German Suplex. Dickinson talks smack to Rosser. Dickinson slaps Rosser in the face. Dickinson with clubbing mid-kicks. Forearm Exchange. Rosser kicks Dickinson in the face. Rosser runs into Dickinson. Rosser with a Big Boot. Rosser drops Dickinson with a shoulder tackle. Rosser with a hip smash. Rosser brings Dickinson to the ring apron. Rosser stomps on Dickinson’s back. Rosser goes for a Belly to Back Suplex, but Dickinson lands back on his feet. Dickinson kicks Rosser in the chest. Dickinson with a flying clothesline off the apron.

Dickinson rolls Rosser back into the ring. Rosser ducks a clothesline from Dickinson. Rosser applies The CrossFace Chicken Wing. Dickinson with a Belly to Back Suplex. Dickinson with a Running Lariat for a two count. Dickinson unloads three knife edge chops. Rosser HeadButts Dickinson. Dickinson kicks Rosser in the gut. Second Forearm Exchange. Dickinson with an elbow smash. Dickinson goes for a Rolling Senton, but Rosser lands back on his feet. Rosser with a Running Powerslam for a two count. Rosser with clubbing blows to Dickinson’s back.

Rosser with clubbing headbutts. Rosser applies The Chicken Wing STF. Dickinson grabs the bottom rope which forces the break. Rosser with a forearm smash. Rosser hammers down on Dickinson’s back. Rosser with a Belly to Back Suplex on the apron. Dickinson tells Rosser to bring it. Dickinson kicks Rosser in the face. Dickinson clotheslines Rosser over the barricade. Rosser rakes the eyes of Dickinson. Dickinson pulls Rosser out of the ring. Dickinson sends Rosser back first into the barricade. Dickinson with a knife edge chop. Third Forearm Exchange. Rosser and Dickinson were unable to break the referee’s twenty count. After the match, Dickinson grabs the Strong Openweight Title. Rosser and Dickinson gets into a massive pull apart brawl to close the show.

Match Result: Double Count-Out, But Still NJPW Strong Openweight Champion, Fred Rosser 

Checkout Episode 331 of The Hoots Podcast 

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NJPW Strong Results 10/15/22

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